
admin 体育热点 2024-04-03 24 0

  1、欧洲杯英语说范文 欧洲杯,是一项由欧足联举办,欧洲足协成员国间参加的最高级别国家级赛事。如今欧洲杯的赛事正在火热进行,引起了全世界球迷的 _。那么你想知道欧洲杯用怎么说吗?下面 _为大家带来欧洲杯的英语说法和欧洲杯英文简称,欢迎大家学习。 European Cup European Soer Championship EURO CUP UEFA 欧洲杯赛 European Soer Championship 欧洲杯赛冠军杯 UEFA Cup Winners Cup 1、球迷 football fans 2、夺冠 Lifting the silverware 3、“早点洗头去”:红牌罚下 “He

  2、ads for an early bath“ 4、击中球门 Hit the woodwork 5、奋力拼抢 Get stuck in 6、传球 pass 7、带球 dribble 8、拦截抢球 tackle 9、射门 shoot 10、顶头球 head 11、(裁判在结束时)吹哨 blow the whistle 12、平局 draw/ tie 1. The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out. 丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。 2. They will televise both legs of Leeds European Cup

  3、clash with Rangers. 欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。 3. Scotland were ahead in their European championship qualifier in I _land. 苏格兰队在冰岛 _的欧洲杯预选赛中处于领先位置。 4. United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup. 联队应该在考虑要赢得欧洲杯。 5. This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the Eur

  4、opean Cup. 这个赛季我期待我们能够保住冠军头衔,赢得欧洲杯。 6. Ajax will take on Juventus in this years European Cup Final. 在今年的欧洲杯足球决赛中阿贾克斯队将与尤文图斯队比赛. 7. Fran _ knocked Belgium out of the European Cup . 法国队将比利时队淘汰出欧洲杯足球赛了. 8. Will it be Europe, and all the glory that goes with it, next season? 想获得欧洲杯资格, 以及赛季荣耀吗? 9. Cause

  5、that Cup Europe broke off abruptly last night! 昨晚欧洲杯突然中断的原因! 10. European Cup, the sports Inter users a higher degree of con _rn. 欧洲杯比赛期间, 网民对的 _度更高. 11. We deserved it after winning the European championship in xx. 我们在xx年赢得欧洲杯冠军,这次能捧走大力神杯也是实至名归. 12. European Cup after the _oke, some worry about a few happy. 欧洲杯硝烟过后, 几家欢喜几家愁. 13. Three years later, it took a drubbing at the xx European championships. 三年后, 它在xx年欧洲杯上再次铩羽而归. 14. Beckham can and he should feature through to Euro xx. 贝克汉姆可以也应该一直踢,直到xx年欧洲杯. 15. On lucky Ruddy season perfor _n _